Sprains and Strains

Safety training for Engineering sector

One of the most common injuries in the workplace are sprains and strains. They occur due to pulling, pushing or over exerting yourself during the manual handling. There is damage to the soft tissue in the body, which often doesn’t recover, which include damage to muscles, tendons, ligaments, spinal discs, veins and arteries Main Points … Read more

Ladder Use and Access


When you think of using a ladder, it seems like a fairly straightforward task right?. However there’s a lot more danger than one may realise. Main Details There are numerous tasks which require access gained by using a ladder. The Following aspects need to be considered:- • Slipping on a rung causing a fall from … Read more

Safe Use of Combination Metalworking Machines


Mechanical hazards, including trapping, crushing and exposure to cutting tools, exist at the different work stations on combination metalworking machines. Trapping or crushing hazards may also arise from unintended or uncontrolled movement of the workpiece and although uncommon, injuries from the ejection of broken tooling have also occurred Main Points Many of the accidents that … Read more

Conveyor Belt Safety


Unnecessary workplace accidents can occur when employees do not think before they act or avoid taking precautions to prevent accidents. Keeping safety top of mind is especially important when working with potentially dangerous machinery like conveyor belts. Main Points Before you start a Conveyor:- • Inspect the area to ensure that no one is performing … Read more

Powers of the HSE


The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are an executive agency of the Government with legal responsibilities for monitoring and supporting health and safety within the United Kingdom and promoting safe working practices and conditions. They also have significant legal powers! Section 20 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act (1974) gives guidance to … Read more

Near Miss


Every day we experience near misses but when it comes to near misses at work they can be a warning as well as an opportunity. The opportunity is that you can learn from what is happened and prevent it from happening again, whether it’s you or another worker. It helps management to find the faults … Read more

Using Stairs Safely


Most of us use stairways every day going up and down various levels either here at work or at home. We have done it for years and the problem is… we no longer think about the real danger in doing so. Falls on stairs is one of the most common incidents that occur both at … Read more

Ladder Inspections

Safety training for Engineering sector

Ladders provide quick access to platforms, balconies, roofs and many other areas that can’t be reached by stairways. For many, the use of ladders is part of a daily routine and their hazards can sometimes be overlooked. Portable, extension and fixed ladders must be inspected before each use to make sure the ladder is in … Read more

Highly Flammable Liquids


Highly Flammable Liquids (HFL’s), including petroleum based adhesives, are used extensively throughout the construction industry and carry with them the risk of fire, serious accidents and injury. Main points: • Always look for the hazard symbol and wording on containers.• Only ever have the minimum quantities at the place of work. Keep the remainder in … Read more



We all think about using EYE protection when needed. Try to be just as conscientious about LUNG protection. Solvent paint, vapours and welding fumes are hard to “swallow.” Remember that vapours, dust or airborne particles of any kind may be injurious to your throat and lungs. Even if you are exposed to airborne contaminants for … Read more