Pest Control

Food & Drink

Many species of pest are attracted to the food and shelter present in foodproduction facilities and can enter the food supply and production facilities atmany points, contaminating surfaces, materials, equipment and food products. Main Points The three main groups of pests that are encountered in food businesses are: • Rodents – rats and mice.• Insects … Read more

Pressure Washer Safety


Pressure washers are used to clean equipment, materials and work areas on thejob. They can also cause injuries because the water is under pressure, it moveswith enough force to cause damage to the eyes or skin and contribute to othertypes of injuries. Main Points Close contact with a pressure washer’s flow to your skin actually … Read more

Safe Use of Reciprocating Saws


Portable reciprocating saws are powerful, versatile tools that use thin, flat, narrowblades that, depending on the application requirements, come in assorted lengthsand tooth-sets. Reciprocating saws are not difficult to use but their intendedpurpose prohibits the use of a blade guard. The open blade design allows theapplication of powerful cutting potential in cramped and restricted spaces. … Read more



Safeguarding is a term used to describe the measures taken to protect the health,well-being and human rights of individuals, which allow people, especiallychildren, young people and vulnerable adults to live free from abuse, harm andneglect. Responsibility for these aims is deemed to lie with everyone who comesinto contact with children and families Main Points We … Read more

Trips and Outdoor Learning Activities


Educational trips have clear benefits for pupils, and large numbers of successful visitsand outdoor learning activities take place each year. Misunderstandings about the application of Health and Safety law may, in somecases, discourage schools/colleges and teachers from organising such trips. Thesemisunderstandings stem from a wide range of issues but may include frustrationsabout paperwork, fears of … Read more



The Wheelbarrow has come a long way from the manually propelled wheelbarrowto the engine propelled wheelbarrow for moving material. The proper use andmaintenance of wheelbarrows can prevent many accidents. Main Points The following may help in preventing accidents:- • Always place the load well forward, balanced and confined in size for safety. The loadshould clear … Read more

5 benefits of online training

Effective health and safety training cannot, nor should be, a one size fits all approach.  However, for most businesses, incorporating some online training into their staff training plan is a highly effective solution with many benefits including: 1. Time efficient Our online health and safety courses are completed in minutes not days or weeks.  Candidates … Read more