Unnecessary workplace accidents can occur when employees do not think before they act or avoid taking precautions to prevent accidents. Keeping safety top of mind is especially important when working with potentially dangerous machinery like conveyor belts.
Main Points
Before you start a Conveyor:-
• Inspect the area to ensure that no one is performing maintenance, is under the conveyor or within the fall zone.
• Make sure all guards are fitted and that the emergency stop switch is working properly when working at or near a conveyor
• Wear a hat and safety shoes. Avoid wearing loose-fitting clothes or jewellery, and make sure that your hair is short or pulled back
• Do not walk under a moving conveyor
• Never clean belts, pulley or drums while the machine is on
• Do not perform maintenance or repairs while the conveyor is in motion
When Working at a Powered Conveyor
• Ensure that you can see the system while you are operating the controls
• Follow all lock-off/isolation procedures before performing maintenance
• Position yourself so that you will not be hit by moving objects
• When working with an Aerial conveyor make sure that machine guards are in place to protect against objects falling on workers below
General Safety Recommendations
• Always know the location of start and stop controls
• Never step, climb, sit or ride on a conveyor belt
• Never alter or remove machine guards
• Never overload a conveyor outside of its design limits
• Always report unsafe practices to your supervisor
Conveyor belts make our jobs easier but must be used in a safe manner
If you have any questions or concerns about conveyor belt safety or operation contact your Line Manager.