Preventing Falls On a Farm


Falls are the second highest cause of death in agriculture – every year at least eight people die falling from a height. Those who survive suffer broken bones and worse. Falls often happen from roofs, lofts, ladders, vehicles, bale stacks, and unsuitable access equipment, such as buckets. These accidents and injuries cause you pain and … Read more

Powers of the HSE


The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are an executive agency of the Government with legal responsibilities for monitoring and supporting health and safety within the United Kingdom and promoting safe working practices and conditions. They also have significant legal powers! Section 20 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act (1974) gives guidance to … Read more

Use of Strimmers

Tractor field works

Hazards and risks associated with the use of strimmers • Flying debris which can cause injury to the eyes or other part of the body, injure pedestrians, damage parked cars, property or passing vehicles.• Animal faeces which can cause disease – operators may come into contact with these when adjusting cutting cords or if these … Read more



Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection which is spread from animals to humans.Almost any animal can carry this disease, they are not affected by it, and it is oneof the most widespread animal to human diseases in the world. There are 2 main groups of Leptospirosis: Hardjo (found in cattle) and Weil’sDisease (most commonly found in … Read more

Pressure Washer Safety


Pressure washers are used to clean equipment, materials and work areas on thejob. They can also cause injuries because the water is under pressure, it moveswith enough force to cause damage to the eyes or skin and contribute to othertypes of injuries. Main Points Close contact with a pressure washer’s flow to your skin actually … Read more



The Wheelbarrow has come a long way from the manually propelled wheelbarrowto the engine propelled wheelbarrow for moving material. The proper use andmaintenance of wheelbarrows can prevent many accidents. Main Points The following may help in preventing accidents:- • Always place the load well forward, balanced and confined in size for safety. The loadshould clear … Read more