Chemicals and the Effects


Chemicals are commonly used in a variety of processes in one form or another and just about every worksite has chemicals present. Exposure to chemical might be accompanied by warning signs or it could be an odourless, colourless gas. Main Points: • Toxic – Chemicals that can have a poisonous effect on a worker.• Irritant … Read more

Safe Use of Combination Metalworking Machines


Mechanical hazards, including trapping, crushing and exposure to cutting tools, exist at the different work stations on combination metalworking machines. Trapping or crushing hazards may also arise from unintended or uncontrolled movement of the workpiece and although uncommon, injuries from the ejection of broken tooling have also occurred Main Points Many of the accidents that … Read more



We all think about using EYE protection when needed. Try to be just as conscientious about LUNG protection. Solvent paint, vapours and welding fumes are hard to “swallow.” Remember that vapours, dust or airborne particles of any kind may be injurious to your throat and lungs. Even if you are exposed to airborne contaminants for … Read more

Bench Grinders


Bench grinders are safe and effective tool when used correctly but can be veryhazardous when improperly used, this can include electric shocks fires or personalinjury. When working with bench and pedestal grinders, certain precautions should betaken to avoid injuries. Always follow posted safety guidelines, and read allinstructions provided by the manufacturer Main Points Hazards • … Read more

Emergency Eyewash Use


THE FIRST 10 SECONDS ARE CRITICAL. Toxic Substances, when coming in contact with the eye, immediately begin to damage sensitive eye tissue. The longer they remain in contact, the greater the damage to the eye. Main Points Besides tissue damage, acid and alkali can change the pH in the eye itself. When the pH of … Read more

Machine Guards


Any machine part that can cause injury must be safeguarded, machines can causea variety of injuries from burns or cuts to severe injuries such as crushing,fractures, lacerations or even amputation. So, these machine guards are your firstline of defence against some of these injuries. Main Points Hazards to be guarded: • Point of operation – … Read more